Corporate Internal Audit Services

This division works to improve the efficiency, economy and accountability of government and agency programs.


Corporate Internal Audit Services (CIAS) works cooperatively with executive management and staff in all government departments to improve the efficiency, economy and accountability of Government of Alberta programs.

CIAS provides the following services:

  • provide objective, risk-based assurance and advisory services to ministries regarding risk management, control and governance processes
  • add value and improve government operations
  • maintain independence as required by the standards of the Institute of Internal Auditors

CIAS serves all departments, and those agencies, boards and commissions that select the division as its internal auditor.

The mandate of CIAS is set out in the Corporate Internal Audit Services Charter approved by the Deputy Minister of Treasury Board and Finance, who chairs the Internal Audit Committee.

Internal Audit Committee

The Internal Audit Committee (IAC) is a key committee supporting the Deputy Minister’s Council. It is responsible for monitoring the governance, control and risk management systems in the Government of Alberta and ensures an appropriate balance is struck between managing the risks to the government and the costs of doing so.

The IAC is responsible for oversight of Corporate Internal Audit Services.

The mandate of IAC is set out in the Internal Audit Committee Charter, approved by the Deputy Minister of Treasury Board and Finance, who chairs this Committee.


The Internal Audit Committee has 8 members, including the Chair:

  • Deputy Minister, Treasury Board and Finance (Chair)
  • Deputy Minister, Public Service Commission (Vice-Chair)
  • Deputy Minister, Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction
  • Deputy Minister, Advanced Education
  • Deputy Minister, Municipal Affairs
  • Deputy Clerk of Executive Council and Deputy Secretary to Cabinet
  • 2 Public Members

The Chief Internal Auditor reports functionally to the IAC and administratively to the Deputy Minister, Treasury Board and Finance.
